Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Trusting in One Who is Greater

Trust: That's my theme for this week's upcoming youth service "Momentum" and it seems to definitely be something that God is continuing to teach me about. Through the past few years I've realized how little I trust people, and really how little I trust God.

Sometimes I get to a point, like this summer, where everything is going perfectly and then a wrench of some sort seems to be thrown in. To me it seems all wrong, "How could God let this happen, it must be a mistake!" But it's not. Nothing ever is. I went in yesterday to get my car smogged and it failed. Am I happy about it? NO! Was I rude to the guy who failed my car (even though it is in no way his fault)? YES! Then I got home and my car was leaking oil and making funny sounds. Great God, here it goes. I kept asking myself "my car is going to cost thousands of dollars to fix and is it worth keeping it?" But I need a car this year. God knows that, right? Well I still don't know what exactly I'm supposed to learn from this whole ordeal, it's not over yet. But it doesn't look like the car is going to cost thousands to repair, at least not for now. In a way I think God is asking me this "Do you trust me? Do you really? I mean you do really well at praising me and being positive about life when everything goes the way YOU want it to, but what about when you don't understand what's happening? Do you trust me then?" That's the true test. If I do in fact trust God it won't matter whether things are going my way or not, I will trust Him regardless.

Today I went to a little league game and the boys I was cheering for lost. For them, this game may have seemed like their whole world, and when they lost it all came crashing down around them. My prayer is that they can see in this that God has a bigger plan. It's about more than just little league. At the end of their crazy ride I pray that these 12 year old boys just maybe have learned something about trusting the God of the universe. His plans our not our own. His plans are better.

So here's to me learning how to trust. It's not something I'm terribly good at, and I know I'll never get it completely right, but each day God can help me learn to trust Him more. He is the only one who deserves my trust. Car repairs might be what get me down. For others it might be poor grades, a lost baseball game, saying goodbye to a dream, financial struggles, or the loss of friends and family members. In all things let us trust the Lord God who cares and loves for us more than any Father we can imagine.

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