Wednesday, September 15, 2010

All Mixed Up

So we're about a week into senior year. It's still weird to be a senior. At senior chapel and in my internship class it feels like freshman year all over again; it's kind of like being in "Beginnings." :) But there's something fun about being with people that you haven't really spent time with since freshmen year. To have a class with my freshman year roommate where we sit next to each other and have the chance to catch up on life. To watch hallmates lead chapel. It's a strange and delightful thing to be the old people on campus.

But then there's this added dimension of graduate courses. I'm taking two grad level TESOL classes, and I LOVE them. Seriously, it makes me never want to go to another undergraduate class. I love the attitude of the students in class: we are here to learn our vocation not just pass a class. I love that they are only once a week and that even though they are long we get a half hour break to eat dinner and do life a little bit together. I love that they are forcing me to get out into the world of teaching and see if it's really what I want to do. It's scary, all of this added responsibility, but I love it. The down side is that next semester I'll be back to being just a regular old undergrad student. I'm not quite sure if I can do it :)

Then there is the whole work situation. For the first time in my college career I am not working. I mean, I'm on call and last week I worked about six hours, but compared to the 20 that I worked last semester? I love the freedom to really focus on my studies. I have the time to do all of my reading for my classes for the first time, and I love it. I have time to make myself dinner and to be with friends (sometimes). I know that I should work for the money, but there's a part of me that says "Just enjoy it. It's senior year and it only comes around once. Soon you won't be with these people again, so make the most of it while you can." So that's what I'm doing for now, I'm hoping I'll get a few more hours at work, and come the end of the semester when my grad courses are done six weeks before all the other classes, then I'll try to work a lot more. But for now, I'm going to enjoy life and take it as it comes.

It's still the beginning of the semester so there's a lot to be sorted out about my schedule still. Bible studies, roommate dates, student teaching, and who knows what else, but I have a feeling it's all going to be good. Sometimes I really do feel "all mixed up" about everything you could imagine, but somehow I know that God's got my back and that His plans are INFINITELY better than mine. (Oh plus my daddy is flying into the US for three weeks later this week :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Senior Year is Here!

It's Sunday night. The last Sunday before my last year of undergraduate classes begin! I can't believe the summer is over and the craziness is about to begin again.

Last week I moved into our amazing house less than a mile off campus! It's perfect. A five minute walk from amazing friends who live on campus. A driveway so I can wash my own car at home for the first time in three years. A bedroom, two living rooms, dining room, large kitchen, and spacious backyard. A dog who loves me and is a constant companion (sometimes more than we all would like... :) And four AWESOME roommates! I'm excited for this year, and my room is slowly getting unpacked. I need to print a few more pictures and put a bunch of frames up in my room as well as get a few more pieces of furniture. Keith and I went garage sale hunting on Saturday and got an amazing coffee table. This week Rebecca and I are going to tackle organizing the living room and garage so that they feel more like home. I can't wait to have everything in its place. The kitchen is well stocked with amazing food!

It has been great to have my younger brother here for a few days as I get to see old friends again and relax a little before classes begin. He's been a great sport about being dragged around to all sorts of random places and I only wish he was going to be closer than UCSD. Today we drove together to my grandpa's 75th birthday party. It was a great time to be with most of the extended family for the first time in a LONG time and to celebrate the life of the man who has shaped all of us in so many ways. I am so blessed to have Robert Huskins as my grandpa! I always love hanging out with my aunts, uncles, grandma, and cousins too so it was a fun time.

Now this week brings the start of school and with it a lot of things to be considered. I'm starting my graduate level TESOL courses and am both nervous and excited for them. I can't wait to get started and am just hoping that I like them. If so I need to start making decisions about graduate schools fairly soon. I'm thinking that I will just stay at APU for the year and a half that it takes to complete my Masters, but I really need to think it through. Then there is the job situation. I am on call in the cafeteria this semester, but I am not sure that I will get enough hours. I am also not sure if this is where I need to be anymore. I have sent in my resume for nannying and will be looking for babysitting jobs on weekday mornings (let me know if you know of any openings!). I think this is something I would really enjoy, so we'll see what works out there. I was able to meet with Sharon Wisner about my internship with Missionary Kids Ministries this semester and I am really excited for it, but we still have to work out some details and make sure it's all going to fit within the guidelines for the class. All in all I am excited for my classes and everything else going on, but still a little bit nervous until it all gets started.

When everything seems to get to overwhelming and I'm not sure what to do I just try to remind myself that it is all going to work out! God's got an amazing plan. He's put me in a great living situation, at a top notch university, given me a great group of friends, a fabulous family, AND a future that only He knows. Going into this year I can't help but be excited to see what He has in store. I've got a good feeling :)