Africa Beth: Life After Africa
Friday, April 22, 2016
The Value of Diversity
Sunday, February 14, 2016
John 14 (Fear, Love, & Abiding Peace)
Friday, February 12, 2016
I loved...
Seeing family, friends, and friends who are like family.

Great public transportation
City parks
Sushi making class
Making new friends
Tatami mats
Fuji apple juice
Snow covered anything (mountains, trees, houses, cars, etc.)
Snow and Onsen loving monkeys
Japanese language
Soba Tea (and other grain teas)
Mt. Fuji
Australian Accents
Sweet potatoes
Chicken wings
Ice cream with sesame seeds
Nepali cuisine
Miso soup
Real wasabi
Japanese worship songs
Exploring new places
Convenience stores
Breathtaking views
Ski lifts
Matsumoto Castle
Snow falling on me
Watching a blizzard
Children laughing
Selfies and We-fies
Japanese gardens
Rivers and lakes
The God who created it all
Basically, if you ever have a chance to go to Japan, do it. I recommend going to visit friends or family, that's always the best way to see a place. If not, make sure you invest in a good guide for at least some of the time. I highly recommend Daniel Moore as a guide. You can see his guiding business, Travel Nagano, on Facebook. Also, leave time and flexibility in your schedule to make last minute plans. I would love to return to this beautiful country and see more of it someday. Nagano prefecture is definitely one of the best places I can think of anyone wanting to live!!
Monday, August 24, 2015
1 Month or 70 years
Sooo here's a happy monthiversary (special thanks to Amanda and Zachary Heath who coined that phrase in my life) and anniversary blog :)
Happy 1st Monthiversary to Brian and Jen Stoker!!!!
It's hard to believe that it's been a whole month since they said "I Do." One month may be a relatively short amount of time, but I believe in celebrating the little things, so today I'm celebrating their life together. Their wedding day was full of anticipation, praising God, celebrating, having a good time, and recognizing their love. It was a special day, the kind of special day that makes me think about forever love, which is fitting since one month after their wedding day we are celebrating a very special anniversary in the Stoker family.
Happy 70th Anniversary to Ray and Kath Stoker!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEVENTY! That's a big number. I seriously can't imagine being alive for that many years, let alone married, but my grandparents have reached that marker in their married life. Brian and Jen have a good legacy of love in their lives (on both sides, not just the paternal side).
When I was thinking about something to do to celebrate my grandparents' big day I started searching for news on each of their decade anniversaries. That's when it hit me- 70 years is a really long time! My grandparents got married 10 days after the end of WWII- talk about a way to celebrate!! On August 25, 1945, while Nana and Granddad were saying "I Do," hundreds of children around England were being reunited with their parents for the first time in four years. I'd say that's a pretty special day to start your new family. I learned all sorts of other history in my search for significance on their decade anniversaries, and I was reminded yet again of how much they have lived through, how much anyone in their 90s has lived through.
When I was talking about my grandparents' seventieth anniversary the other day one of my students said, "How do you stay married to someone for 70 years? I can't imagine that." Quite frankly, I can't either (being as I'm single and in my 20s and all that) but her question has really made me think. How does one stay married for 70 years? In a world where it seems like more marriages fall apart than stay together, I'm so thankful to have so many people in my life to model marriage commitment. My grandparents on both sides fall into that category. When I think about Nana & Granddad and how they've made it work all these years it gives me hope. They lived through war, they moved across continents several times, they made career changes, they survived life-threatening health challenges, they watched their kids grow up and raise their own kids and now are watching (or have watched) their grandchildren raise their great-grandchildren, they have seen each other grown old and wrinkled, they have CHANGED through the years, and yet they are still together and I would say they are very much in love.
Love is watching my Granddad take my Nana's hand to make sure she doesn't fall, love is making my Nana take her pills every day, love is moving across the globe from family and friends to start a new life together, love is laughing when things get too difficult to do anything else, love is Nana cooking for her family when she never really liked cooking and Granddad taking over cooking when Nana can't anymore, love is sharing chocolate, love is picking out gifts for each other that you know the other person will love (or you know will annoy the other person, and that's just as fun), love is sometimes going on vacations that you don't want to because your spouse does, love is raising children together as a team, love is moving to the other bedroom so you don't wake up your spouse when you can't sleep, love is so very many things that I have learned from my grandparents.
So how do you stay together for seventy years? That's a question only my grandparents can answer, but if I had to guess based on what I've witnessed in them I would say you make choices every day- you choose to compromise, to laugh, to be selfless, and to stick it out no matter what. I'm so glad that Ray & Kath Stoker made that commitment on August 25, 1945. Nobody could have guessed where that commitment would take them. I'm so glad that 69 years and 11 months later Brian & Jen Stoker made that same commitment, and I look forward to seeing where that takes them in the next 69 years.
Monday, September 8, 2014
What Is Enough?
Monday, September 1, 2014
Happy 58 Dad!
It took me less than twenty minutes to come up with 58 attributes or actions of my dad that make me love him and be so thankful for him, and there are many more that I thought of after! Happy 58th Birthday to the man who raised me, continues to make me a better person, believes in me, and loves me unconditionally!
My dad:
Loves sports and taught me to as well
Has a Passion for good theology
Loves Jesus
Loves to learn
Loves to help others think
Plays games with me
Taught me to love to play tennis
Taught me frugality
Fostered closeness in our family
Cries with me
Talks with me
Laughs until he is red in the face and crying
Challenges me
Believes in me no matter what
Is proud of me always
Takes time for me
Likes to be with me
Loves music and taught me to as well
Sings with me
Models sacrificial love of God
Is a Peacemaker
Makes Sunday breakfast often
Does my taxes
Doesn't think I'm toooo crazy
Loves my mom
Listens to my opinion
Makes coffee every morning
Works hard
Is the most integrity filled person I know
Is passionate about his students
Overflows with joy jumping in a lake
Exhibits Childlike happiness when body surfing
Is Exuberant when playing croquet
Always wants to play bridge
Is Lifelong learner
Loves to pour into others
Is Willing to try new things
Is Resilient
Rocks a mustache
Plays the piano in the morning
Wants to know how I'm doing
Is Patient
Is not sexist (no 'boy' or 'girl' only activities growing up!)
Makes me think deeper
Pushes me to do things that are good for me
Picks out good earrings and other gifts
Embraces all of his cultural experiences and homes
Is Slow to judge others
Doesn't let anger overpower reason
Sacrificed monetarily for my education
Always makes an effort to visit us kids
Gets excited about a great milkshake
Raised my brothers to be thoughtful, kind, and sensitive men
Forgives me when I act poorly
Taught me how to throw a football
Plays soccer like a much younger man
Is quite brilliant with numbers
Quite simply excels at being the exact dad that God knew I needed