This is the question that the psalmist asks in verse one of the fifteenth Psalm. It seems kind of ambiguous, right? I mean, what is 'God's holy hill?' Maybe it's His presence, maybe it's in the center of His will, maybe it's where He's at work, maybe it's on an international school campus in the middle of Taichung, Taiwan.
Wait, I want to live on God's holy hill!!!!! Pick me, pick me!
Psalm 15
A psalm of David.
Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?
He wose walk is blameless
and who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from his heart
and has no slander on his tongue,
who does his neighbor no wrong
and casts no slur on his fellowman,
who despises a vile man
but honors those who fear the Lord,
who keeps his oath
even when it hurts,
who lends his money without usury
and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things
will never be shaken.
This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
A special thanks to The Covenant Home Altar for leading me to this particular Psalm at this particular moment in my life. Well, actually, thanks be to God for that, but thanks to the people who made the Altar and were used by God :)
As I read this psalm I couldn't help but think, isn't Morrison God's holy hill at this moment in my life? I mean, I know it's right in the center of God's will for me at this time and I know that it's a holy place that God has set aside for His holy work to be done. I think it qualifies, which means that the psalmist is asking questions that I should definitely pay attention to and giving me priceless advice. Sweet! Now I know how to be successful here, right? I have the secret code to unlock fruitful ministry. Easy peasy lemon squeasy. Kind of. Until I read the advice and see how darn hard it is. Seriously?
I'm supposed to be blameless and do what is righteous? What does that even mean? What about that TV show that I like so much, it helps me live a blameless life right? Hmmm, well maybe not ALL of them do... Darn!
I'm supposed to speak truth from my heart and not slander? Well the truth part is easy, right? I mean I've never had a problem giving my honest opinion... but that from the heart part is a bit annoying. You mean it matters how I speak the truth? Uh oh! And I have to speak the truth without slandering anyone... This is getting difficult ;) NEXT!
Hmm not wrong my neighbor or slur other people. What does it mean to be a good neighbor? I think I'm going to have to figure that out... maybe it starts with knowing who my neighbors are (as I was proofreading this my neighbor came and introduced herself, yay!!!!)? And boy oh boy in a small community like this I'd better get good at not slurring other people!!!!! Pretty wise advice...
Despise vile people but honor those who fear the Lord- check. Oh wait, I'm pretty sure I don't do a great job of despising vile (sinful, evil) people, in fact sometimes I put them up on a pedestal and admire them! And certainly I'm not sure how to despise anyone without slurring them. And sometimes the people who fear the Lord the most irk me the most, because they show me just how sinful I am. Errgghh!
Keep promises even when it hurts. Like continuing to sponsor Elysee in Congo no matter what? Supporting all the missionaries that I've promised to when I figure out my finances here? Honoring my oath to God to live an intentional lifestyle? Honoring my oath to Morrison and the students here to love them and do my job to the best of my ability by the grace of God? To love even those students who will drive me crazy? I've made a lot of promises...
Lend money without interest (or even expecting it back) and not accept bribes. So basically I need to be generous. Hmm I think I can honestly say generosity is pretty second nature to me, but that also probably means it's exactly where the opposition will target me. I can't seem to catch a break...
If you made it to the end of this you probably feel exhausted, me too! If I want to remain here and have God use me in ministry is seems like there are a lot of things I need to work on...
Suddenly I'm feeling very helpless, and I think that's right where God wants me.
I cannot do any of this on my own. Only by the grace of God can I stay in His presence- it is a gift. I can strive to live the life He requires of me, but I will fail often.
I will be a bad neighbor.
I will gossip about someone.
I will break my promises.
But God is gracious and will forgive. This does not give me license to be lazy in seeking to live according to God's Word, but it does allow the perfectionist in me to not give up hope. And there is a promise at the end of all of this:
He (or she!) who does these things will never be shaken.
By God's grace he has allowed me to be in His holy sanctuary and reside on His holy hill. By His grace may I always remain in His presence and at the center of His will. This is my prayer for myself and for you as well.
Only by the grace of God!