PFO is run by ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International)- are you confused yet? There are lots of reasons for this training, but I think its primary goal is to help people learn how best to minister to TCKs (Third Culture Kids- the new 'normal' perhaps?). Everyone who is at this training is going to be working with TCKs in some direct way: teaching, boarding, or raising their own TCK children. It's pretty cool actually. It's cool to see so many people learning about this less and less rare breed of human who we call the TCK. Those of us who have grown up between cultures, absorbing multiple cultures during the formative years of our lives (google Dave Pollock and his research on TCKs for more info). It's therapeutic for me to hear more about the TCK experience, to shed tears, give thanks, and to laugh at the crazy things we do. There are more than sixty adults here for two weeks learning about who TCKs are and some unique ways they can be ministered to, and I'm excited to think about how much better prepared this generation will be to work with TCKs than the ones who came before. Don't get me wrong, I was one of the lucky ones whose parents and community 'got it' and helped me cope with the TCK experience well, but I'm hopeful that it means some mistakes of the past can be avoided and we can better prepare TCKs for their unique challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. Of course, we are after all still human so I'm sure we'll just make new mistakes, but I'm choosing to be optimistic at this point!
Here too we're learning more about our personalities and communication styles. I never really liked these sorts of things before, I was the typical TCK who didn't want to be put into a box I suppose. But now I'm starting to like them. In fact, I can't stop talking about them. I think these tests do several things for me: 1)they bring me self-awareness; 2)they help me to have more grace with myself; 3)they give me a vocabulary for talking about things in myself that I like and dislike; 4)they help me understand others better; and 5)they have the potential to help me make steps toward being the me God created me to be. So I'd say they're pretty cool all around. In case you were wondering, my MBTI is ISFJ- so basically I'm a people person who is very responsible and organized. That goes along pretty well with the 1 from my enneagram as well as my strengths that I found in the strengths finder a few years ago (which I think I should take again!). Oh and I'm an introvert- I bet you didn't know that! Okay, maybe some of you knew that, but since I'm pretty talkative once I get to know people and stand up for what I believe in people typically think I'm an extrovert. I'm not, I swear! :)
We're less than a week into PFO and already there are a million things to dig through and process. I think the best part of this time though is the new friendships that I'm making. I found that was true at METE as well, but this time it's more encouraging because I'm becoming friends with people who will actually be in Taiwan with me, some of whom will even be on the Taichung campus! So that's pretty exciting. Check out this picture of three of my new favorite little girls and me hanging out watching a soccer game:
I'm not gonna lie- I'm getting pretty excited to head to Taiwan (less than a month!!!!!!). I'm also getting more nervous about going to a completely new place, learning a new language, starting a new job, and making all new friends. But I love the friends I've made so far, I'm excited for a new adventure, I can't believe I get paid to do the job I've been called to, and by God's grace I WILL learn the language and fall in love with the culture and people in Taiwan. I'm being reminded to build my RAFT (Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewells, Think Destination), which is something I did not do when I moved away from high school. Miss Crossley (ahem, Mrs. Anderson) will be thrilled to hear that I actually do remember her teaching us that back at RFIS, so if you see her, tell her thanks for me :)
My biggest challenges at the moment? Saying goodbye well and starting to learn the language so I'm not completely overwhelmed when I get there. Say a little prayer for me! Oh, and come visit me in Taichung sometime after July!