Tuesday, January 1, 2013


New. It's a word that I can't help but think about at this time of the year. NEW Years. Christmas and Jesus, a NEW born baby. A chance to do something NEW with a year. NEW beginnings- for physical health, spiritual development, jobs, bedroom furniture (that's a story for another time...) Of course, as a Christian the new year began back five or so weeks ago with the start of Advent. This whole "holiday" season is a season to remember what is new. And spring is coming. We recently chopped down a tree in our front yard, and we can see new grass popping up through all the dirt that was left there. I love this time of year. It's filled with such hope and expectation for people, and for me it's no different.

This year I'm looking forward to all of my new adventures. I have no idea where this year will take me, but I know that it will be full of adventure. No matter where I end up, it will be my first time being independent, since after June I will no longer be living with my parents or (hopefully) financially dependent on them. It's kind of a scary thought. But it's exciting! The future scares me, but mostly I'm one of those people who just can't wait to see where I end up and what happens in my life. So much can happen in a year! I'm sure to meet new people, learn new things, and gain new perspectives.

Just this year I've grown in relationship with people who I never expected to know so well. I've visited places I've never been. I've read books and heard ideologies I never have before. More than anything, this year has been a year in which I've grown in self-awareness. I've become acutely aware, sometimes painfully so, of my short-comings. I've seen parts of myself that I do not like, and I've mourned their existence. And yet, none of this is without hope. I've also seen God slowly transform me, and for every time I fall backward I experience him there to catch me. I've seen my depravity, but I've also been able to see myself more than ever before for my potential. It's funny, I have this strength called "Developer." Essentially it means I see the potential in other people and long to see and be a part of that individual's development, but, ironically, I do not always see the potential in myself. This year, God has revealed himself to me in a new ways and put people in my life who have helped me to see my potential. They see the best in me when I do not, and while I remain intensely aware of my faults, there is something motivating in having people believe the best in you. Positive motivation, yes?

So here's to a season of newness. May you wake up every morning and sense God's love and care for you anew. May you embrace each day as an opportunity to allow God to make you new by his grace. May each new person you meet be a reminder to you of our creator God and his unfolding story in the world. May every tear you cry be the opening of a new door in your life. May you remember that God's mercies are new every morning and his faithfulness will endure forever.
